Augment your color correction arsenal. Restore otherwise unusable footage.
RE:Grade in Action

RE:Grade Overview
Automatically pull details out of the shadows, make every pixel sharp without halos, clamping or ringing.
Enhance contrast, saturation, exposure.
Normalize your footage for final look correction, restore sanity in your color workflow

Color LUT handling in RE:Grade
Quick demo of how we support HALD Clut (3D color look-up images), save as 3D file LUT file. You can also use this to restore sanity in your multi-application workflow using color look-up inversion feature.

Doesn’t my application do that?
Some video with multiple issues (here shooting with only moonlight before sunset with heavy atmospheric conditions) can be quite complicated to just bring in the ballpark.
RE:Grade Features
Automatic contrast enhancement
Reveal invisible details out of the shadows, make every pixel sharp without halos, clamping or ringing.
Restore otherwise unusable footage
Restore contrast, saturation, pull details out of really low-light or washed out footage, textures that you did not even know was in video.
Prepare your footage for final look correction, restore sanity in your color workflow.
Select an application for a free trial, pricing & download
- After Effects
- Autograph
- Baselight
- Catalyst Edit
- Diamant and Dustbuster+
- Final Cut Pro
- Autodesk
- Fusion Studio
- Grass Valley Rio
- HitFilm
- Avid Systems
- Motion
- Natron
- Nucoda
- Nuke
- Premiere Pro
- Resolve
- Scratch
- Silhouette
- Vegas Pro